Wednesday, 24 July 2013

July 24th

Finally got kicked out of hospital for a few days, then back in for a few days, out for a week...ooh looking!....back in again for another few days....definitely staying out for a while this time (famous last words!) so not been out with the camera much this last month so not much to post. I have managed a couple of short visits to Dungeness so just a few pictures to post just to prove my camera is still working!
Items of note is that the bittern has been showing well at Hookers on its food runs, 3 juvenile marsh harriers active but staying at a distance and the terns on denge rafts have been much more successful this year with many chicks fledging.
Fox cubs have been regularly playing in my garden of late and our badger still comes on the patio for his nightly feed!
Here's just a few odd pictures....