Friday, 31 March 2017

Thursday 30th March 2017

A trip down to Oare Marshes, first one for about 150 years......well it feels that long! Roughly 400 Black Tail Godwits, 5 Redshanks, 22 Avocet, Skylark, 2 Snipe flying over, Marsh Harrier over Mocketts, Knot, Meadow Pipit and Little Gull  are main birds of note over and above usual suspects.

 Little Gull
 Pintail Pair


Wednesday, 29 March 2017

29th March 2017

Here we are again 18 months since my last post. Last year was not a particularly good one for me and I wasn't really in the proper state of mind to worry about my blog. I am trying to get my head in order to get going again and although I cant promise it, I will do my best to get back in the swing of it once more.
I have once again been declared medically fit to drive and so I have my driving licence back....wahey! This means I am of course mobile again, which also means I can return to volunteering  down at RSPB Dungeness as before on Tuesdays and Fridays (health permitting).
I've not done a lot of photography over the last year, but here a few offerings:





Long Eared Owl

Long Eared Owl
Ring Neck Duck