Sunday, 23 April 2017

Saturday 22nd April 2017

While down at Dungeness yesterday (Friday) I got a call with reference to an unusual chat. First sightings and views of photos suggest at first sight for it to be a whinchat, but there were some anomalies, the white supercillium was stronger on the left side than the right, but still much brighter than a stonechat. This was left open to debate while better minds than me went for another view. Also around on the day were greenshank, grey plover, ringed plover, redshank, garganey and dunlin all from Makepeace hide. There was also a Common Sandpiper from the VC and also 2 Ravens flew over, and my first Common Tern of the year.
Today (Saturday) I rushed down to Dungeness again, this time to hopefully pick up the reported Lesser Yellowlegs. I was able to see it from the VC but the best views were from Dennis's hide. I did manage a couple of record shots, but the distance didn't really help. While there I got some better pictures of the chat, and after scrutinising it on my PC and with help from the BTO id video, I have come to the conclusion it is in fact a stonechat as the supercillium is too short and the rufous breast coulour does not extend into the throat. Another year tick for me was a Sanderling from Makepeace.
I wont be back out again until next Friday, and hopefully there will be noteworthy sightings.

 Record shot of Lesser Yellowlegs
Whinchat looking female Stonechat

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Saturday 15th April 2017

Didn't think it would last long........I had to go back to hospital on the 1st April for 10 days (no fools) Meningitis and food poisoning would you believe, anyway I'm fine now but obviously unable to get and about until yesterday.
Down to RSPB Dungeness reserve back in my voluntary role. The Ring Neck Duck was on Cookes pool with his adopted Tuftys, LEO was in his usual area in the willows behind the dipping pool, 2 drake Garganey flew by the VC and 4 Whimbrel were around. The reserve is now getting louder with increased bird song especially from very vocal Cettis Warblers and the Sedge Warblers have definitely arrived. A few swallows were noted and there have been sporadic reports of a booming bittern. Butterflies are starting to show well largest quantities were peacocks sunning on the tracks.
Just got a couple of shots to post, I am still trying to get the hang of my new camera, not quite there yet but getting better......I hope.

 Female Linnet