Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Wednesday 19th July 2017 RSPB Dungeness

Shield Bug

Bee-Wolf Wasp dragging a very large stone

Spider-Hunting Wasp with prey

Ruddy Darter

Redtail Bumblebee Queen

Juvenile Stonechat

Common Darter


Thursday, 13 July 2017

A few rediscovered shots

Curlew Sandpiper



Grey Wagtail


Marsh Harrier

Med Gull

Wednesday 12th July 2017 Oare Marshes

Bonapartes Gull

Common Carder Bee



Grey Heron

Med Gull

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Tuesday 4th July 2017

 Brown Argus
 Common Darter - Immature male
 Garden Bumblebee
 Garden Bumblebee
 Shield bug?
 Spider Hunting Wasp
 Bee Wolf Wasp - Female with prey (Honey Bee)
Bee Wolf Wasp - Male

Monday, 3 July 2017

 So close! Almost in focus
 Treble Brown Spot

Brown Argus
 Brown Argus
Bluetail Damsels!
 Gonna call this Sandwasp Arnie
 Large Skipper female
 Large Skipper male
 Marbled White
 2 Marbled Whites and a Shield Bug
 This was planned not a lucky shot. Yeah.....Righto!
 Pyrimidal Orchid
 Rock Pipit
 Small Skipper male
Juvenile Stonechat